Straumann® Emdogain™ Tissue Regeneration


An innovative treatment for reversing the effects of periodontitis.

Periodontitis or gum disease is an inflammatory response to bacterial toxins in your gum tissue. Toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque irritate the gum tissue, which stimulates an inflammatory response that destroys the gum tissue and bone that support your teeth. The gums then separate from the teeth, forming pockets between the teeth and gums that can become infected and bleed. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. As more gum tissue and bone is lost, the teeth may become loose and may even have to be removed.

We can provide you with answer to this problem and prevent tooth loss with Straumann Emdogain Emdogain. Prior to Emdogain, there was no way to actually regenerate the tissue that supports teeth. With more than 400 clinical studies demonstrating its effectiveness, Emdogain is designed to reverse the effects of gum disease and actually save teeth!

Compared with other treatments, Emdogain is cost effective and less invasive, resulting in less pain, swelling, and discomfort. Emdogain treats defects created by periodontal disease and provides enhanced periodontal wound healing as reported by clinicians and creates natural-looking and long-lasting results.

How does it work?

Emdogain reverses gum disease naturally; Emdogain uses proteins to regenerate lost gum tissue and bone in the same way stem cells work to generate new cell growth.

What is the procedure like?

After an anesthetic is applied, a small surgical incision will be made, the root surface will be cleaned, and Emdogain will be applied to the affected area, the site is then closed with sutures. After your Emdogain procedure is completed, you will give instructions on the care of the surgical area and will arrange follow-up visits to monitor the healing process.

For information on Emdogain treatment, or to find out if it is the right treatment option for you, contact our office at 973-627-7934.

american dental association academy of osseointegreation American Academy of Implant Dentistry internation team for implantology tyhe academy of prosthodontics American Academy of Facial Esthetics Chao Pinhole
Daniel Orellana, DDS
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